is a great way to meet new people and learn new things was founded 12 July 2002 and has continued to grow in membership since.

When I talk to people about Meetup, I am a little amazed that people often have not heard about it, so that's why I thought I would let you in on this fantastic way of meeting new people who have interests in common, and finding new interests as well.

They can be social, sporty, spiritual, business focused, age range defined, the Meetup groups can be about pretty much about anything.

It is free to join a group. There is a small fee to run a group. Some group organisers charge their members some kind of fee to cover their membership fees, it's up to the organiser.

I think of Meetup as like an infrastructure to allow you to run a group. Meetup itself is like the tree trunk, and the groups are the branches, and the leaves are like the members.

As a member you can have a very basic profile, or provide some details about yourself. It is up to you. Some groups require you to answer a few 'vetting' questions. Each group is different.

Although the name may suggest it has a singles focus, that is not actually true. For sure there are singles groups on there, but it is so much more than that.

If you can't find a group of interest, why not create one.

It is a really useful tool if you move to a new city or location, as it's a great way to meet new people.

