DonateLife Week runs from 30 July to 6 August 2017

On the last day of 'DonateLife Week' for 2017, have you thought about this sensitive topic?

The Australian Government website has a lot of information and fact sheets about this delicate subject.

It is really not something for me or anyone to preach about, but it is an important topic to consider as you never know when you may need an organ transplant.

Potential organ donations often become available at very difficult times, for example some kind of accident or medical condition where a loved one will soon die due to the nature of their situation, or has just died.

Emotions are high for the family, and if the potential donor hasn't made their wishes known officially that they would be willing to donate some or all of their organs, this is where things can fail to proceed to the donation stage.

There is a push for people to donate by default unless they opt out, rather than the current opt in situation.

You can join the Australian Organ Donor Register online and discuss your decision with your family and friends.

I have heard of stories where the donor family is able to make a special connection with the organ recipient, as they can feel their lost loved one lives on with a very grateful organ recipient.

Something to think about, and hopefully act upon too. And you can register anytime. Not just in this special campaign/awareness raising week.
