Goat on car and other #goat tales

Ride the Wild Goat
Goats seem to pop up all over the place. Take Fish Creek down Wilsons Promontory way for instance. You will find the very quirky 'Ride the Wild Goat' gallery and workshop.

This is a space created by Andrew McPherson, who after many years making things mostly in the solid timber sector, decided to put his skills to making beautiful things.

His website tells us that he 'believes his gift is to see beauty where others may not and then, by presenting it in the right way, they can see it also.'

Sounds good to me. In essence, and in my own words, he repurposes timber and metal 'found objects', and creates a work of art. You be the judge.

He is very creative.

The Silly Goat
On the goat story theme, I'll just give a quick shout out to another goat, well 'The Silly Goat' in fact. Where is that you might ask? It is in Broken Hill, where else?

What is it you might also ask? It's Broken Hill's best cafe. It is a family run business in Argent Street. It's menu and coffee can match any city cafe, and it is about to expand into a larger space later in 2017.

If you have ever driven to Broken Hill, it can be amazing how many goats you will see along the way. They seem to know to keep off the road, so perhaps they're not that silly? One goat I came across in Broken Hill's main street - Argent Street - seemed pretty smart.

Goat on car
So no, this is not a gallery or cafe or anything, it is exactly what is says.

A picture tells a thousand words.

