Jeans for Genes Day is today, the first Friday in August each year.

If you love wearing jeans to work, today is a great opportunity to both support a worthy cause and wear your favourite pair of jeans to work.

It's 'Jeans for Genes Day'. What is that you might ask? It's the annual day to raise money for the Children's Medical Research Institute.

The day was born out of a brainstorming session in 1993, so the annual fundraiser has been up and running for many years now and has so far raised over $60 million.

Their Jeans for Genes website - - describes it as the day 'each year workplaces, schools and streets become a sea of denim in a united stance against childhood disease.'

Their website also explains that 1 in 20 children is born with a birth defect or genetic disease.

The Children's Medical Research Institute ( is dedicated to treat or prevent childhood cancer, epilepsy, birth defects and genetic diseases.

If you think this is a worthy cause for your hard earned dollars, or spare cash you may have, you can go over to their website to make a donation, or call them on 1800 GENIES (436 437). If you don't have spare cash, you might have some time available to volunteer. There is more information about volunteering on their website.

Dig deep if you can.
