The Purpose Project a book by Carolyn Tate.

Carolyn Tate has published a new inspiring book.

'The Purpose Project, a handbook for bringing meaning to life at work'.

In a postcard (see below) that comes with the book, she also asks us to 'Give the gift of Purpose. Pay it Forward.

1. Buy a book for a friend
2. Post them this card
3. Share your story with us'

I attended the exciting book launch at the Provincial Hotel in Fitzroy in July 2017. There were many people there who were all both happy for Carolyn and eager to start reading her much anticipated new book. 

The launch event tickets included drinks, food and a copy of the new book. But when it came time to collect the book, we were each handed not one but two copies of The Purpose Project.

The postcard
Carolyn was generously practicing what she preaches.

I have started reading the book. I will report back soon.

I the meantime, in the spirit of #followfriday, and #payitforward, I say follow Carolyn Tate, buy your copy of her book, then you too can share your story.

Congratulations to Carolyn Tate.
